Happy 1/11 & New Moon! Make Your Day Magical!

Each and every soul has its own journey here on Earth -- its own life purpose, its own lessons, its own karma. In the intersections of our lives, we feel one another's ... Continue reading [...]
Higher, transformational, spiritual energies are infusing our planet. Some people are plugging along and everything is awesome. Others are going through challenges and changes of varying degrees of magnitude in their lives. I liken it to being in a pressure cooker with the ... Continue reading [...]
Surround yourself with amazing, positive people -- people for whom you feel admiration, respect, and/or LOVE. It helps you shine your LOVE and LIGHT upon the world and share your radiance.
Just as you are what you eat, your vibration is affected by the company you keep. It's time to be healthy and to fulfill our purpose and destiny in this life. It's time to wake up and LOVE ourselves fully and to share that LOVE endlessly. Loving ourselves means that we take good care of our body, mind, and spirit. ... Continue reading [...]
Things were confirmed, options opened, reminders shared. ... You've got this! ... Continue reading [...]
Music and sound have such powerful healing potential. We feel the rhythm, the beat, and the vibration of sound. We feel the meaning and message of the words of songs. ... ... Continue reading [...]
Be bold today. Follow your heart. Forge a fabulous new trail!
Get out of your own way and take chances as you leap into action -- creating... writing... speaking... dancing... drawing... painting... singing... putting yourself out there... taking chances wherever you are led... stepping into the unknown or uncertain... pushing through resistance... overcoming fear... moving forward... making changes... loving, and living, with unbridled passion...
Deep within, you know what your heart beckons ... Continue reading [...]
Often, we look outside for our teachers. We seek someone we can learn from and we do learn a great many things from others. We must remember, though, to allow time to learn from ourselves, to nurture that part of ourselves that provides our inner knowing, our inner guidance. The core aspect of our being that we are many times afraid to trust, afraid to empower, is there to lead us where we need to go.
It is time to stop looking for one more teacher, one more book to read, one more self-help ... Continue reading [...]